This summary provides an overview of the various elements involved in the process of usage discovery song matching, including identifiers, timestamps, platform information, user details, content metrics, and indicators for audio modification or explicit content.
- Song Name: The title or name of the song.
- ISRC: The International Standard Recording Code, a unique identifier for the sound recording.
- Match Detected Date: The date when the match between the song and a reference asset was detected.
- Match ID: The unique identifier associated with the match.
- Asset ID: The unique identifier associated with the reference asset.
- Platform: The platform or service where the match was detected.
- Match Media URL: The URL or link to the matched media.
- User URL: The URL or link to the user associated with the match.
- Username: The username or handle of the user.
- User Real Name: The real name of the user associated with the match.
- Match Title: The title or name of the matched content.
- Match Upload Date: The date when the matched content was uploaded.
- Match Duration: The duration or length of the matched content.
- View Count: The number of views or plays for the matched content.
- Shares Count: The number of shares of the matched content.
- Comment Count: The number of comments on the matched content.
- Likes Count: The number of likes for the matched content.
- Dislikes Count: The number of dislikes or negative reactions to the matched content.
- Matching Segments in Asset: The time segments of the reference asset that match the song.
- Matching Segments in Copy: The time segments of the copied content that match the song.
- Length of Match: The duration or length of the matching segments.
- Is Audio Modified?: Indicates whether the audio in the matched content has been modified.
- NSFW: Stands for "Not Safe for Work," indicating if the content is potentially inappropriate or explicit.
- Takedown: Indicates whether the matched content has been taken down or removed.