This report provides information on various aspects of sales and streaming transactions conducted on different platforms, including details such as dates, release titles, track titles, channels, countries, units sold/streams, revenue generated, and collaborators involved.
Each report is pre-filtered by the track that you chose here to filter by.
- transaction_id: The internal ID assigned by Too Lost for every directed royalty of a sale/stream transaction reported by a store and service.
- sale_date: The date the sale/stream occurred on the store/platform.
- accounting_date: The date the stores/services confirmed the sale/stream to us and provided us with the necessary reporting. This is also the date that Too Lost invoiced the store/platform for payment.
- reporting_date: The date that Too Lost received payment from the store/platform and made it available to the end user
- release_title: The title of the release
- release_id: The internal ID assigned by Too Lost, unique for every individual release created on the platform
- track_title: The title of the track
- track_id: The internal ID assigned by Too Lost, unique for every individual track uploaded on the platform
- channel: Digital Service Provider (DSP), store and/or platform the sale or stream occurred on (ex: Spotify, Snapchat, Facebook, YouTube, etc)
- country: Country of the sale/stream
- isrc: The international standard code uniquely identifying the sound recording
- upc: The unique identifier for the release (Album, EP, Single, or Compilation)
- units: Number of sales/streams
- unit_price: The gross revenue generated from the corresponding unit(s)
- original_currency: The local currency of payment made from store/service to Too Lost
- split_id: The Split ID assigned by Too Lost, unique for every individual payee split created on the platform
- share: The percent of the song revenue the end user receives
- rev_fee: If applicable, the amount Too Lost receives from the gross revenue. This is 0% by default.
- total: Total net revenue generated
- user: The user email of the account that owns/controls the release
- release_participants: Participant roles on the release level
- track_participants: Participant roles on the track level