Too Lost has partnered with Veriff to properly comply with Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations and to better combat our platform from fraudulent use attempts.
Unconfirmed identities or flagged information can result in an onboarding hold or an account restriction.
To provide more transparency on why this may happen, please see below for the different statuses Veriff sends us that help our platform judge your account standing:
Status Types:
Too Lost user has received a positive conclusive decision from Veriff. Accessing the session URL again will show the user that nothing more is to be done.
Too Lost user has received a negative conclusive decision from Veriff. Either fraud was detected or there was another severe reason for the person to be declined. The account will be blocked from utilizing the platform, unless a manual override is implemented by Too Lost.
Resubmission has been requested. The verification process is not complete. Something was missing in the user's session and they need to go through the flow again.
The session will expire 7 days after having been created unless it gets a conclusive decision before that. The verification status will turn to expired if it has never been accessed by the user. A new session should be created by the user, if they decide to try again.
Much like expired, abandoned status will be set after 7 days if the process has been started by the customer but has not been finished. A new session should be created for the customer, if they decide to try again.
Reasons behind decisions
Conditions for a positive conclusive decision or an approval
Veriff will give a positive conclusive decision when the user has provided us with:
an upload of photos and/or a video
a valid document with a readable and matching data
a clear/good quality portrait photo
a portrait photo that corresponds to the user's photo on the document
Reasons for a negative conclusive decision or a decline
Veriff will give a negative conclusive decision when:
a physical document is not used
we suspect document tampering
we detect some suspicious behaviors
a user showing the document does not appear to match the document photo
a velocity/abuse is present
a known fraud is present
Reasons for inconclusive decisions or resubmissions
Veriff will give an inconclusive decision when:
the video and/or photos are missing
the customer's face is not visible/clear
the full document is not visible
images provided have poor quality
the document is annulled or expired
the document type is not supported
the document is expired
If you believe your identity verification was denied wrongfully or have any questions/concerns with the verification process, please reach out to our support team at