Earnings are updated every month around the 25th, and continue to update until the end of the month.
Stores/services account on a 2-6 month delay. Meaning, sales/streams occurring today in stores and services will become payable in 2-6 months from their confirmed sale date.
You can learn more about this here:
You can view your sales breakdown here:
You can view your available confirmed balance here:
You can download comprehensive sales reports here:
As soon as royalty earnings are made available, we provide them and their corresponding reports to your account. Please note that bank delays, store accounting issues and other holds/delays may cause payments to appear later than others.
We kindly request you wait until the end of the first week of the new month if you still have not received your sales report. Unfortunately, we cannot expedite the accounting process as these accounting delays are derived from the stores/services directly.
However, we can provide advances on future earnings for qualifying artists and labels. If you are interested in receiving an advance payment, check out our advance payment options in the Dashboard.